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Cape Enrage High School Challenge

experience3bThe concept of High School Challenge dates back to 1977 when one high school in New Brunswick took two dozen students for four days and nights to a remote wilderness venue and allowed them to experience extreme adventure in a controlled, professional and safe environment.

The idea has persisted, and for each year since, CHALLENGE has attracted students from many interests. Now included in the program are kayaking, rappelling, climbing, wilderness camping, initiative games, outdoor cooking - all centered around team building concepts.

Participants must be physically fit and willing to adapt to extreme environments, demanding working conditions and extremely high expectations. It is not a "buffet" experience; those who come participate in every aspect of the program. It is designed to challenge each person to his or her limit.

What's a Typical Day?
07:00 Wake Up and Warm Up Activities
07:30 Breakfast and Cleanup
08:30 Group Organization and Lunch Packing
09:00 Activities Begin
     Group A Rappelling
     Group B Climbing
     Group C Kayaking
16:00 Activities Cease for Gear Cleanup
17:30 Evening Games Begin
23:00 Lights Out

Terms and Conditions

School group pricing quoted upon request.

Liability Waivers Are Required For All Adventures

Participants must pay upon arrival and sign a standard liability waiver. Participants who are not yet 19 years of age must have the waiver signed by a parent. 

Due to insurance requirements, participants must be accompanied by adventure staff and may not use their own equipment.

Forms and waiver

